what a load of crap. i read the whole thing hoping for some insight. social media is dying because its rigged. i have not seen an ad anywhere on facebook, yourube, twitter or tiktok ever as far as I recall and all I have is a simple adblock. They don't make money, hey control and indoctrinate people. That is why they are funded one way or another. Twitter had 7000 employees. Wow, and worth how many billions? what other companies have 7000 employs. Many people would describe that as small or maybe medium. My local council probably employs 7000 people. so why was it worth billions? I calculated thats if you divided the cost by 7000 that made each employee at twitter worth millions. Scott sheds no light on the issue. The reason for all the turmoil is that the powers that be realise that their indoctrination system is harmful and they are trying to pivote in a way that they can maintain power and control. they are aware that people are signing up with the hopes of rewards and getting nothing and that they are collectivly wasting peoples lives. the system is rigged and they are trying to make that clear by engineering the death of these systems. the whole ad space is clearly rigged. real people want to advertise but its 99% big companies advertising supermakets and cars etc. Seriously, do supermarkets need to advertise? No. They do it to indoctrinate and control perception. no one talks about all this. The internet is being rengineered, its been happening since 2004 really, or thereabouts. where onces were 100s of blogs for a search term, its now 100s of news outlets all spewing the same cap. Its all rigged with independent unsanctified voices removes.