So productive that you have to write a post about it. If this post sums up your productivity enough said. My only questions are why did I get this crap in my email and why is 99% of purile web content in the web just like this. Productivity is something people need to understand as its not what it really appears. I learnt this when my neighbour died. I didn’t really like him but he was there, for 17 years. Then suddenly he died. I was shocked, the vacuum was bizarre, but the most important thig was that I found out when I saw all his stuff in a skip outside his house. I went through it and pulled out years and years of music recordings. He spent years being productive, I know, I heard it all and have the CD’s with dates to produce it. It was like this post, crpa, here is a link to his your tube channel:
The point on productivity was that no one ever heard his music, and he died and it all went in a skip. I think that lessons can be learnt, everything we do ends up in a skip. His true productivity was unseen, and that was him as a person. He was always there. People could learn from that. As a person, you are always there and that can offer stability to others around. Its not everything, but his existence was far more significant that the product that he worked on. I also leannt this from my book publishing. It has become clear that all products are for immediate use only. I sell books online. Authors from 50+ years ago. They wrote books and are now dead. Why dont we all read these books? Well, we can, but they are in the past. If you look at what sells, its usually the work of the living as that immediate reality is for the liveing. As such, I think its important to bear this in mind and understand it. Self reflect. Are you productive in the literal reality that you exist in? This is easy for parents, but if you are single, are you productive as a neighbour? As that person children see go down the street, as that person whosr house has that tree outside. Our self broadcasting in the tangible reality is signicicant and far more substantial than the actual things we produce and think of as produce. I ran a comics event and hundreds of artists were vanity writers. Their main productivity was attendcing the events I ran and existing as artists. Even though they often sold only a handful of comics. We are all actors on the stage of life and it is that that is more important for when we get old. This is why going outside is important, to be seen, for a future time, as an actor in the role of you, and thats what crime tries to subdue by making people afraid to play their role in the future show.
THis post is sanctamonoius, starting off saying I do this and that and all these awesome things, but im not productive. However, productivity is an important issue. Is it worth spending the last 17 years of you life after retiring, as the musician above it, producing music that was crap that no one would ever listen too? Or did doing that fulfill his dreams to follow his dreams as a musician, doing what he loved?