Operation Forough Javidan — 1988 (Iran-Iraq War 1980–1988)
Mujahadeen-e-Khalq forces see an opportunity to take some ground as a Iran and Iraq accept United Nations Security Council Resolution 598 to end the war on 8 August 1988. They drive deep through Iranian teritory with support from Iraqi air power, thinking that the people would rise up against the Islamic government of Ayatollah Khomeini. However, little support materialised.
They drove through to about Kermanshah with the road before them open to Tehran.
However, the Iranians didn’t counter-attack immediatly and waited until the Mujahadeen-e-Khalq forces had stretched their suppply and were out of range for Iraqi air support. They then cut them off with Iranian paratroopers and mobalised troops from the Iranian army and the Revolutionary Guard from the south in an operation that was titled Operation Mersad.
Operation Mersad is actually covered specifically by another scenario although it can be played in this scenario too, from turn 20. However, the dedicated Operation Mersad scenario specifically places units as historically as possible, whist a play through of this set up might result in a very ahistorical position.
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