Great post. I have been saying all this for years and its refreshing to see some comentary on it. However, I think you miss the underlying cause. Essentially its control. Hand in hand with Goole, Facebook, Amazon etal, they want control at the lowest levels. What im referring to is the ability to earn money and become someone. I think it starts with MySpace where you could meet people. However, all people are owned, in some way, family, employers, social circle, and MySpace gave people an escape. Suddenly they could meet people in other countries and throw away their old frineds and owners. I thought this was great, but when Facebook came along they destroyed all that and the trend simply continued. The reason they did that is because society is built on a slave structure. It has a hierachy. Some people work in warehouses or clean floors. Two things were happeneing, the brightest slaves were escaping their indentures. No longer did they have to beg and crawl within the social framework they were given, friends at work, other factory operatives, or friends from the social circles they could afford, the local pub etc. Suddenly they could netwotk globally, or, back on topic, create a YouTube channel and BE SOMEONE. Exposure is power. Managers dont like it if their packing operatives have 1,000,000 friends or followers or viewers. They constantly use the examples of children going viral, but thats a misdirection. They dont want the salves empowering themselves. And moreover, they dont want to feel inadequate in their presence. The strcuture of society is based on power and authority and that is undermined when the smile of a person makes you feel inferior. But moreover again, it benefitted the smart. Suddenly smart people, that might have been pegged on the same wage as an idiot, could take off and leave everyone behind. Thats the crux of it. Ever since they have directed the platforms to prevent freedom from being enabled and disrupting the social slave structure. To ensure that everyone is as good as everyone else. A more direct example, ir multiculturalism. I think that these systems facilitated white flight as white people chose white friends, when in fact they were neck deep in multicultural social experiments. My MySpace channel had only younf cute white girls. It was not illegal, but it sent the message out that I didn’t want to know other cultures. That was the big thing that Facebook destroyed.However, coming back to Youtube, the story is the same. People becoming powerful. As such, Youtube NURTURED their own superstars. I have seen s few Casey Nesbit videos and its clear that its Youtubes algorithm that takes him to the top. He is a plant, along with all the other big names. They were sacrificial diodes in a greater scheme designed at the same time to destory any other creator that Youtube had not sanctioned. Just a side example, imagine a world where people dont have to work, they just Youtube and get rich and then never have to work, and then look at how that makes working idiots feel? That is the issue. The powers that be dont want that happeneing. Thats all there is to it. As such, Youtube has been slowly, with its pals, destroying the internet to install governors on power, fame, rankings and ultimatly earnings. No one can win now. However, if you tick all the boxes in their new distopian regime, then yes, you might gain an audience. Its its lowest common denominators. Simply put they want to repress the truth. That comes in many forms and I dont want to go off on a hate rant as they might call it, but its human nature.
Everything you say in your article details the slow road that can be observed, but not the true underlying cause. Our governemnts have shaped society in a way that many people, if given the choice, would overthrow.
A little more, YouTube has only ever been a landgrab. They run without adds for years, I think until 2008 or so or later. The point is that they had no real money. They ran a landgrab to capture the video market, as a matter of global importance, control and power. They have it now. Its not really possible to create a new video hosting company. Another video hosting company recently went down and the owner was very bitter and blamed Facebook I think. These systems are simply landgrabs for power.
Anything else I might say would be a repetition with what the writer has said here. Its all true. But its deeper than that. YouTube dont care about money. Its power. They could make tons of money off of small advertisers. THey are a powerful company, they could easily have told the major brands to sod off and forced them to manually select channels or channel categories. THey could have made the brands work for their advertising, but instead, they leveraged it to suit their political agenda and stopped little people earning money, thus forcing little people that want to make it start writing CV’s to stupid advertising/film companies asking fir their break, just like it used to be. People in warehouses and offices doing the daily grind will no longer be liberated because the free internet offers that opportunity. It will be like to was years ago. I design websites but also code. In about 1997 I went for a job interview for programming. It was clear that I had to be pally with an Indian person, but I didn’t have to and I didn’t, and I didn’t get the job. Programming had gate keepers that controlled people and forced them to do things that really we should not be expected to tolerate. Then the internet came about and people like me could code websites. However,I have had no success and can say with certainty that it is not because the work I have done is bad. I can read the writing on the wall. However, I am a programmer. I made that happedn, no one gave me that ilfe history. If they had their way, I would be driving taxi cabs at the bottom of the human food chain. And to conclude, I know they dont want people like me ever happeneing again. As such, we are entering truly dark times. YouTube is just a small part of it. Create a channel, no one will go there, create a Facebook page, no one will see it, create a website, no one will see it. I am in the process of drawing a comic about it, Google THE INTERNET HAS BEEN MURDERED. My image used to be number one but soon vanished. The rabbit hole goes much futher, it goes all the way to hell.