CAR Presidential Election Tensions — Central African Republic, Africa, 2020
Various militias, including la Coalition 3R, Anti-Balaka Ngaison and MPC groups join up to take control of towns and locations in th run up to the election around December 2020.
The rebel forces are unhappy with the election results and start a series of further attacks against tons and cities, including several attempts to take the capital.
Bangui Attack
Rebel forces make two attacks on Bangui on 13 January 2021.
Grimari Attack
Rebels spend three days attacking Grimari which was defended by MINUSCA forces.
Bouar Attack
Rebels attack Bouar which is defended by MINUSCA forces. They call in French air assets to assist in repelling the attack.
The tensions are ongoing with much of the balance of power being maintained by France and the United Nations security forces with Russian support.